Sv. Marina – 13.8.2022

On 13.8.2022 I went scuba diving to Sv. Marina in Croatia. I was there for the weekend but I only took pictures on the first day. Sv. Marina is close to Mošćenička Draga where I also did a few dives.

I did my AOWD scuba diving course in Sv. Marina. You have a reef close to the shore with easy access. Due to its depth, you can easily see a large variety of animals. Lobsters, conger eels and much more can be seen there. Night dives are especially beautiful. I got a chance to see an electric ray (torpedo marmorata) on one night dive. No picture, unfortunately.

Depending on how we plan the dive I don’t always take photos. If I am leading a group dive I normally don’t even take my camera with me. Too much temptation and I have to be responsible for other divers. If it’s just me and my buddy or someone else is leading the dive then I can take my time with photography.


The most interesting fish I saw would be the sea robin or gurnard. It has “legs” which it uses to walk on the sea floor. Certainly an interesting sight. It is also impressive when it spreads its fins and slowly swims away. TriglidaeThere is a sunken dinghy where you can sometimes see a large lobster and other various animals. This time there was a large scorpionfish hidden there. I would say one of the largest I saw.

ScorpionfishLets’ not forget about the beautiful Condylactis aurantiaca anemone. When you shine a light you can see the beautiful purple tips of its tentacles. They are quite common but sometimes you stumble upon a particularly nice specimen that makes for a good photo.

Condylactis aurantiacaAnd of course a nudibranch. This was the first time I saw this particular color. I must say I got quite lucky it got a bit stuck as I got a nice dark background.Nudibranch