Fiesa – 19.11.2023

It has been a while since I have been in Fiesa. During the summer the water is quite hot, up to 28°C which means that a lot of animals retreat to deeper waters where it should be a bit colder.

The visibility is usually also not that great due to various influences. So I mostly dive elsewhere during the summer.

The visibility was not that great this time, up to 2 m at best. It was also a bit cloudy outside. This presented a unique opportunity as underwater it looked like it was evening. So I got a chance to see a few animals that wouldn’t come out during the day.

Due to poor visibility, only a few pictures were usable unfortunately. There was a lot of particles in the water.

The pictures

As mentioned it looked like evening underwater. The most interesting animals were from the Cephalopoda class.

First a few closeups of a common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis).

Sepia officinalis Sepia officinalis Sepia officinalis

Next is the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) which is quite a rare sight here. I consider myself quite lucky to see it in Fiesa. It was on the smaller side.

Octopus vulgaris

You normally don’t see nudibranchs in Fiesa during the summer. However, once it gets colder you can see a lot of them. In the pictures is a Felimare picta. You can see it in two color variations and is a common species.

Felimare picta Felimare picta

Dendrodoris limbata is common here as well but no pictures this time.

And lastly, a picture that turned out quite well. In the picture, it should be the red tube worm (Serpula vermicularis).

Serpula vermicularis


While Fiesa can’t compare with a tropical reef in terms of fish quantity and color, there is certainly a lot of variety here. It also depends on the season. But overall you can see a lot of different species, you just need to look carefully.

Overall I would say that diving is the best here during colder months.